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Drop 79

December 9, 2024

🔑 Drop notes structure
Categories & Sections

The release notes are organized into categories, starting with Core, which spotlights a few entries from the most recent four core releases. Note that all but the last Core release are already in production in Beyond, as they follow a different release cycle than the monthly Drop. This is followed by Docs, which covers new documentation pages introduced or features to the portal. Subsequently, All Apps highlights general updates applicable across all applications. Succeeded by dedicated categories for each App individually, like Checkout, Loyalty, Tasks, CFD, etc.

Further categorization follows an alphabetical order representing the modules available in Admin Suite, including modules like Control Room, Financials, Orders, etc.

Each category is divided into three sections:

  • Added: Lists new features or functionalities.
  • Improved: Describes enhancements to existing features or functionalities.
  • Fixed: Details bug fixes that have been addressed.
Order by impactfulness

Within each category, entries are listed in a way we think are most impactful to least.

No change = No notes

In some instances, a drop may include no changes for certain Apps, categories, or sections. In such cases, the corresponding part will not be shown in the notes.

Categories impacted by this drop

Core - Docs - All Apps - POS - Admin Suite - Control room - Financials - Organizations - People - Promotions - PIM - Stock - Tasks

release notes image


🆕 Serial numbers

We've done a lot of back-end work across the past few Core drops to facilitate working with serial numbers.

  • Core 2.0.766

    • SerialNumbers in ListReturnToSupplierTaskOrderLines
    • SerialNumbers in GetZonedCycleCount
    • Serial Numbers in AdjustStock
    • Zoned cycle counts will take serial number product mutations into account while counting since 2.0.766.
  • Core 2.0.765

    • EVA handles products with serial numbers in RTS since 2.0.765.
  • Core 2.0.764

    • We added support for serial numbers to Click & Collect tasks in 2.0.764.
  • Core 2.0.763

    • Serial numbers in ListFullStockCountLabelProducts

🆕 InForm

We've covered a lot of ground to support the upcoming Inform feature.

🆕 ShipmentIdentifiers

We've laid the groundworks for our upcoming Shipment Identifiers feature in Core 2.0.763.


  • 🆕 You can check what elevated permission was used when in the Event ledger, since Core 2.0.766.
  • ✅ We've improved upon our tiered promotion logic in Core 2.0.765, ensuring consistency when it comes to calculating promotions for your customers.
  • 🆕 We've introduced logic in Core 2.0.764 allowing you to lock orders, preventing them from being changed in-store.
  • ✅ Block specific labels from having products returned on them, with the change to the ReturnableStatus extension point in 2.0.764.

🆕 Data lake

  • We have added PaymentTransactions as a Data lake export in Core 2.0.766.
  • We have added UserLoyaltyTransaction as a Data lake export in Core 2.0.765.
  • We have added new settings to accommodate role-based access control with the Azure Data lake export in Core 2.0.766.


🆕 Added

Introducing the New Black Portal

We've launched the New Black Portal. This all-in-one hub provides seamless access to all essential New Black resources.

All Apps

Main Freeze Notification

Please take into account Main freeze impacting the release timelines for Drops 78 & 79.

POS 2.126.x

🆕 Added

Predefined values for address requirements

Anywhere address fields are used, POS now shows a dropdown populated with predefined values for every address requirement that has predefined values configured.

POS now allows for product searches without a query, using filters only.

Verification reasons

POS now supports scripted requirements for order verification, with and without given reasons.

Country Subdivision and Remark

The address form now also supports the newly introduced Remark and Country Subdivision fields.

Register cash float

POS now supports Register Cash Floats.

✅ Improved

When performing an external user search, and the customer is found, but the customer was already registered in EVA too, we now show a button to add the customer to the order, instead of Create Customer.

Max cash amount

We made several improvements to cash payments when there is a maximum allowed cash amount configured:

  • When the open amount on the order exceeds the maximum allowed cash limit, the limit is prefilled as a suggested payment amount.
  • After reaching the cash limit on an order, any subsequent cash payments will raise an alert.
  • Any residual open amount can be paid with alternative payment methods.

Address financial opening impediment

For mobile organization units with an address-based financial period opening impediment, we now prefill the Country field in the address form with the country from the OU's configured address, if it exists.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We resolved an issue where the keyboard would sometimes disappear when filling out a Global Blue form.
  • We resolved an issue where POS would not adhere to App:CustomerProductValue properly in some places.

Admin Suite 0.58.x

🆕 Added

Main Freeze Notification

Please take into account Main freeze impacting the release timelines for Drops 78 & 79.

The "Need the old admin? Click here" link, found at the bottom of the Admin Suite overview page, will be accessible until February 3, 2025 (Drop 80), extending the original deadline of August 19, 2024 (Drop 75). This extension allows us to incorporate additional feedback.

For more information on the Admin 1.0 switch off process, visit this page.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Fixed a pagination bug in multiple chapters that blocked page navigation.

Control room

🆕 Added

Endpoint Configuration Chapter

A new chapter is now available for management of endpoint settings. Full docs here: Endpoint Configuration.

Lock to Organization Unit on API Keys

When creating an API Key, you can now use the Lock to Organization Unit option.

Order verification reasons

The reasons chapter now includes a tab to manage order verification reasons.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Fixed an issue where deleting an app setting failed to update the Watchtower accordingly.
  • Message types without an event type can now properly be deleted.


✅ Improved

Toaster Notification for Pricelist Asynchronous Requests

On Pricelists, when you select "Upload adjustment products" under Manual adjustment and check "Process data asynchronously," the toaster notification now reads: "Your upload is processing asynchronously. You will receive an email update upon successful completion or if any errors arise.".

Date of booking

The Date of booking field for an invoice will now fall back to the invoice date if no different booking date was set manually.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Whether a BackendID field is optional or not, it will now be properly validated by EVA.
  • Fixed an issue where edits to negative stock in the details of a financial period were not displayed unless the user refreshed the page manually.
  • When the setting App:BankDeposits:DefaultPending is enabled, the Pending checkbox will now properly be enabled when making deposits.
  • When configured to show the difference between the expected and counted amount in the Close Cash Drawer modal, the right difference amount will now be displayed.
  • When adding expenses, a user will now be prompted to select a Tax type if none are preconfigured for the expense type. Additionally, a warning modal will appear if the expense exceeds either the configured threshold or if it is larger than the current contents of the cash drawer.


🆕 Added

Register cash float

We added the option to configure a Register Cash Float on your OUs under the financials tab.

Uploading special opening hours

We have added functionality and the corresponding icons for uploading special opening hours and holidays in bulk to the Opening Hours chapter.


🆕 Added

Extended warranty information

When checking a user's bought products, any available extended warranties will be displayed as well.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved an issue with the rows-per-page counter at the bottom of the functionalities card in the Roles and Rights Chapter.


🆕 Added

Subscription Validation in Loyalty Programs

A new field has been added to the Organization unit sets card of a Loyalty Program called Subscription validation. This field enables you to specify the opt-in confirmation mode (if required).

✅ Improved

Deleting discount layers

It's now possible to delete a discount layer even when there are active discounts still. If there are, you will be prompted and asked whether you want to delete the active discounts, before deleting the layer.


🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We fixed an issue where the publication status of product bundles would sometimes not correctly be updated based on the user's input.


✅ Improved

Large stock downloads

EVA now handles your stock downloads no matter the size of your OU set and assortment.


✅ Improved

Serial numbers in Tasks

The serial number feature is well under way, but more functionality is still being added.

Cleanup tasks for serial number products

The Cleanup products modal in a reservation cleanup task will now feature a new column to specify serial numbers when required.

Serial numbers in reservation tasks

The picking part of a Reservation task now also supports the use of serial numbers.

Completing Reservation tasks

When trying to confirm a reservation task without selecting products, you will now be shown a clear error.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the completion of a reservation task from the namesake chapter.