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Core 2.0.752

August 27, 2024

Released on all test and acceptance environments on August 27, 2024

Will be released to production in EUW and ASE on September 2, 2024*

Will be released to production in CUS on September 3, 2024*

release notes image


No breaking changes.


πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± Poland

πŸ†• E-Invoice Type Renaming​

The Type property value in the ListInvoiceExports service has been updated from NTH_eInvoice to NTH.

βœ… Period Closing Report Update​

In Poland, the Period Closing Return Report now includes cancelled order lines from webshop orders, in addition to returns from physical stores. Previously, it only included returns from physical stores.

βœ… Unreferenced Returns​

In Poland, unreferenced returns will no longer trigger an email to the NTHRejectionEmailAddress. Instead, the system will log a warning for tracking purposes.

πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄ Romania

βœ… Incorrect Tax Rate Configuration Error​

When you add a product to the basket with a tax rate other than 19%, 9%, 5%, or 0% and attempt to proceed to checkout, the following error message will appear: β€œIncorrect VAT rate on the product, please check the configuration of the tax rates”.

πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Spain

βœ… Certified Invoice Updates​

The certified invoice templates for both PDF and thermal now supports regional translations. These are available for Catalonia, the Canary Islands, and mainland Spain.

The translations are based on the region field (country subdivision) of the organization unit.

This includes the following:

General Changes:

  • The phrase "Importe total en impuestos" has been changed to "Importe total IVA incluido" in both templates.
  • "Monto del pago" is now "Importe del pago" in both templates.

Specific to the Canary Islands:

  • If the CountrySubDivision of the Organization Unit (OU) is the Canary Islands, the text has been changed to "Importe total IGIC incluido."
  • Similarly, if the CountrySubDivision of the customer's shipping address is the Canary Islands, the text has been changed to "Importe total IGIC incluido."


πŸ†• DisplayName in ListCaseTopics & GetCaseTopic​

The ListCaseTopics and GetCaseTopic services now include a new DisplayName property. The new property will house the translation pertaining to the Name property based on the requested language and country combination.

πŸ†• TopicDisplayName in GetCaseByID​

The GetCaseByID service now include a new TopicDisplayName property. The new property will house the translation pertaining to the TopicName property based on the requested language and country combination.

πŸ†• Topic BackendID in GetCaseByID​

The topic BackendID is now exposed in GetCaseByID.

πŸ†• Label in PushPriceList​

The PushPriceList service now includes a new Label property for price adjustments. Additionally, on Pricing datalakes we have added an adjustment StartDate property to the price line.

πŸ†• SerialNumber in AddProductToOrder​

The AddProductToOrder service now includes a new SerialNumber property.

πŸ†• AutoRefund in CreateCustomerReturn​

The CreateCustomerReturn service now includes a new AutoRefund property. This property applies on a per-order basis. Note: When AutoRefund is specified, it overrides the CRM:Refund:AutoRefundOnReturn setting, which is also used to automatically trigger a refund when a return order is completed.

βœ… Removed Pin from CreateIdentificationPinForEmployee​

The pin property is no longer included in the CreateIdentificationPinForEmployee service response.


πŸ†• Products object in CreateStockReplenishmentTasks​

We've introduced a new object within the CreateStockReplenishmentTasks service called Products. This object contains an array of product objects that enables the creation of tasks across multiple products and zones, specifying quantities and priorities for each.

Sample Products Array for CreateStockReplenishmentTasks
"Products": [
"productID": 1234,
"Zone": "string",
"qty": 1234,
"type": 1 // Determines priority and urgency

πŸ†• ProductSerialNumberConfigurations in SearchProducts​

The SearchProducts service now returns ProductSerialNumberConfigurations if the new SearchProductOptions.IncludeSerialNumberConfiguration in the request is set to true.

SearchProducts Sample Request
"Options": {
"IncludeSerialNumberConfiguration": true
Sample Response
"Options": {
"ProductSerialNumberConfigurations": {
"107": {
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Default"

πŸ†• GetPaymentTypeCustomFields​

A new service GetPaymentTypeCustomFields is now available. The service accepts a PaymentTypeID and returns the custom field information for the given payment type.

GetPaymentTypeCustomFields Sample Request
ID: 3
Sample Response
CustomFields: [
ID: 123,
Name: "first-custom-field",
DisplayName: "First pretty name",
BackendID: "first-custom-field",
IsArray: false,
Order: 1,
DataType: 1
ID: 456,
Name: "second-custom-field",
DisplayName: "Second pretty name",
BackendID: "second-custom-field",
IsArray: true,
Order: 2,
DataType: 0
// ...

πŸ†• Line-Level Discount Details in GetOrder​

In the GetOrder service response, line-level discount details now include order discounts that directly impact the line.

Result: {
// ...
Lines: [
ID: 123,
// ...
DiscountAmount: -2.08,
Discounts: [
DiscountID: 456,
DiscountAmount: -1.2,
Description: "order discount",
PromotionLabel: "order discount promo label"
DiscountID: 456,
DiscountAmount: -0.88,
Description: "line discount",
PromotionLabel: "line discount promo label"

πŸ†• The EmailOrderTaxFreeForm Service​

A new service called EmailOrderTaxFreeForm is now available. As the name implies, the service is used to email GlobalBlue tax-free forms on applicable orders in PDF format.

βœ… CardNumber not mandatory on GetGiftCardOptions​

CardNumber is no longer mandatory when using the GetGiftCardOptions service.

GetGiftCardOptions Sample Request
    "GiftCardConfigurationID": 61
Sample Response
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"BusinessRules": {
"ActivateValueMin": 24.95,
"Reloadable": false,
"Refundable": false

Other topics‍

πŸ†• ImmediateRepairCreated Stencil for Repairs​

We've added a new stencil named ImmediateRepairCreated. For details on this and other repair related stencils, visit the Repair Request Status Tracking with Stencils section in our documentation.

πŸ†• Foreign Description on Stencils​

The ForeignDescription property has been introduced to the ThermalReceipt, ThermalGiftReceipt, and Invoice stencil templates. This feature supports bilingual descriptions for product properties.

Configuration Details

The ForeignDescription property enables the inclusion of bilingual descriptions for product properties in the ThermalReceipt, ThermalGiftReceipt, and Invoice stencils. For instance, if your invoice and thermal receipt are in English, but you also want to include a product property description in Arabic, you can utilize the ForeignDescription property.

Step 1: Enable the Feature

To activate the ForeignDescription, you must set the Auditing:ForeignDescriptionProperty. Assign the specific product property type you wish to display in both languages as the value for this setting.

Step 2: Modify the Stencil

Include an "if" statement for ForeignDescription in your stencil to display the foreign description. Below is an example of an "if" statement:

Here is a sample "if" statement:

    {{if ForeignDescription}}

πŸ†• ReturnToSupplierable Stock Label​

A new stock label setting called ReturnToSupplierable (6) has been added to the possible features available. By using ReturnToSupplierable you can allow the return of items through RMA/RTS orders from other stock locations than the sellable stock locations, for example: Damaged items. This way stores can select items from any RTS-able stock location to make returns.

Previously, performing RMA/RTS was limited to being done from the Sellable stock location only.

All currently sellable stock locations will have this feature auto migrated.

πŸ†• Updated Stencil Templates with Order BackendID​

We've enhanced several Click & Collect related stencil templates by adding new fields.

View Details
Stencil Template NameAdded Fields
Stock ReservationOrder.BackendID, InvoiceData.OrderBackendID, OpeningHours and UpcomingOpeningHours of the organization unit fulfilling the order.
Pickup ReminderOrder.BackendID
Pickup CompletedOrder.BackendID

πŸ†• Map Vertex Properties to EVA Data​

A new script for mapping Vertex properties to EVA data is now available. Learn more here.

πŸ†• Retrieving GlobalBlue Receipts & Invoices​

When GlobalBlue is configured and applied to an order, you can retrieve the documents (TaxFreeForm) from the Documents tab in the order overview.

βœ… Last Repair Part on Repair Order​

Previously, cancelling the final order line (repair part) during the execution stage of a repair order prevented the addition of new repair parts and displayed the message 'Can't add new lines to a completed order'. This issue has been resolved. You can now add new repair parts to repair orders even after the last one has been cancelled.

βœ… Required Custom Fields for Manual Trigger Discounts​

When applying a Percentage or Amount discount on a manual trigger type discount, the Required Custom Fields field will only apply to Order type custom fields. Previously, all custom field types were permitted.

βœ… Optimized Coupon Loading Process​

We've discontinued the discount coupon cache approach to streamline and optimize the loading of large coupon sets.

βœ… Name in Description on Adyen Drop-in​

When payments are made using an Adyen Drop-in, we now display the name of the payment type in the description property of the payments.


  • Resolved an issue in the OpenIDRole script that incorrectly assigned roles to deleted organization units. Now, if the script result matches a new user to only deleted organization unit(s)/store(s), EVA will not create that user.
  • Resolved a checkout blockage issue in Romanian compliance configured operating organization units caused by EVA employee IDs exceeding the maximum length accepted by Romanian printers. The issue has been fixed by configuring the printers to only recognize the last four digits of the employee ID.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ListEventLedger to return an internal server error when an event did not include an attachment.


πŸ†• Introduced​

These deprecations are now announced for the first time. Usage of these services and/or fields will return the appropriate EVA-Warnings header.


  • High Products is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.784: Use the DetailedProducts array property instead.
    • CreateStockReplenishmentTasks.Products
  • High Type is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.784: Use the Type property in DetailedProducts array instead.
    • CreateStockReplenishmentTasks.Type
  • High Zone is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.784: Use the Zone property in DetailedProducts array instead.
    • CreateStockReplenishmentTasks.Zone

⚑ Removed from typings​

These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.



  • High Results.StatusHistory is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.768: Use GetRepair to get the status history.
    • ListRepairsResponse.Results.StatusHistory

🚫 Effective​

These deprecations are now effective. As of now, these services and/or fields are no longer available in EVA and can no longer be used.



  • Medium TopicID is deprecated since 2.0.752: Use CaseTopic instead.
    • GetCaseByIDResponse.TopicID
  • Medium TopicName is deprecated since 2.0.752: Use CaseTopic instead.
    • GetCaseByIDResponse.TopicName
Impact descriptions

For more details on the impact categories, please see When are changes communicated?.

Release dates may vary​

The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.